The Glue People, Sheffield, S9 1XA | 0114 2439 515
Tradetack STAB 500ml

Tradetack STAB 500ml

£3.15 Ex VAT
£3.78 Inc VAT

Tradetack STAB is a general purpose spray adhesive which has a variety of uses including fixing foam backed carpets and upholstery (Not head-linings), bonding flexible foams, fixing polythene building sheets and as a stationery and card bonding adhesive.

Tradetack STAB is a synthetic rubber polymer solution blended with a suitable LPG propellant to give an easy spray aerosol with a very low tendency to penetrate normal surfaces. It has a foaming action that allows it to sit up on the surface after application and a fast drying time.

Substrates should be clean, dry and free of any contaminants liable to impair adhesion. Shake can before use. Spray adhesive from 6" to 8" away onto both surfaces. Allow the adhesive time to become touch dry, this should typically take between 2 and 5 minutes depending on ambient conditions. Consolidate the bond with firm pressure.

Not suitable for use on expanded polystyrene, or areas subject to heat.
Not suitable for use with plasticised PVC (vinyl) due to the risk of plasticiser migration.

Technical Datasheet
Safety Datasheet

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This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 24 February, 2008.

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